Tourism - Catering
30% of the consumers are influenced by the digital menu when buying a particular food.
It helps to select the meal faster and speeds up the service of the guests.
Eye-catching, spectacular information about the food and drink offers.
It is clearly visible from afar, attracting the eye while standing in line.
Protects the environment, saves ink, paper and time.
It can be modified remotely almost anytime, anywhere.
Reduces perceived waiting time
System operation
Technical support
Graphic design support
Customized development
Statistics & questionnaires
Map/way finding
Advertising platforms
Sensor applications
QR, RFID, camera, printing
Interactive games
E-shop integration
Mobile application
VR/AR developments
Queue management
Further services
Digital menu
Online food ordering
Multilingual menu
Totem column with credit card payment
3D tour of the restaurant
Interactive games, questionnaires
Possibilities, examples for assembling products.
Based on your needs we propose a personalized offer.